The practice
I warmly invite you to join a unique training in Attuning to the Process of Life – which combines learning how to apply powerful tools of philosophical enquiry; developing natural approach to meditation; and mindful, investigative presence in nature – to direct you to what ancient philosophers of the East and the West named awakening or ataraxia. I invite you to wake up to the process of life vibrating on both sides of your skin.
Marcin Fabjański, PhD
Attuning to the Process of Life is a method of philosophical practice for life. I created it from what’s the best in philosophies of the East and the West. The main assumption shared by the Stoics, Epicurus, Buddha and Laozi is that creativity, happiness and peace of mind can be reached only by understanding how the process of life works and acting in harmony with this insight. We will not achieve these objectives by fortifying a strong ego in opposition to the process of life.